Our Venues

We teach swimming lessons from Woodhouse Grove School in Apperley Bridge. The swimming pool has a shallow end and a deep end which allows us to teach diving safely, as well as other skills such as surface dives and under water swims. Woodhouse Grove School is also equipped with diving / starting blocks which the children enjoy jumping and diving from.

Our opening times at Woodhouse Grove School:

Monday :- 5.30pm to 8.00pm

Sunday :- 9.00am to 3.00pm

Directions to Woodhouse Grove School Swimming Pool

The main entrance to the school is opposite the Stansfield Arms Restaurant on the A658 Apperley Lane. Follow the main driveway signposted ‘Sports Centre’ and ‘Swimming Pool’ and when you reach the car park turn left to drive up the side of the school building. Parking is available on the right and straight forward as you drive up the hill. Customers will enter the building via the long, outdoor corridor located between the sports centre and swimming pool buildings. Once inside the building follow the corridor to the right, go up the stairs and through the double doors, and the changing rooms are located along the corridor. Customers will exit the building the same way.

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